Childcare Providers Needed as Progress Continues

 Progress is slowly but surely being made on the Stafford County Child Care Committee’s project in St. John. The recent rain has been needed, but it has delayed progress on the exterior modifications at modular classroom building. The concrete for sidewalks and off-street parking should be completed in the coming weeks. Then, the work can continue on the lawn and fenced play area. 

The Committee is still looking for two individuals interested in operating their own daycare business in one of the classrooms. The goal is to help more people become daycare providers by offering a low-cost, easily licensable location outside their house. Several Committee members are knowledgeable about Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) childcare provider licensing and can help interested individuals through the process. The KDHE licensing takes at least 90 days and requires a site visit after approval prior to the daycare opening. The state is currently waiving the licensing fee through September 30,2023 and Child Care Aware of Kansas has start-up stipends available for new providers. 

If you are a responsible and reliable individual who likes working with children, consider becoming a licensed childcare provider and opening a daycare. If you are interested in operating a daycare out of the facility currently being developed, send your resume and three references to [email protected]. 

The Committee received additional funding from Child Care Aware of Kansas and the Patterson Family Foundation for this project to help cover some of the costs that were not originally anticipated. 

The Stafford County Child Care Committee is a joint effort between 21 Central Extension District, St. John-Hudson USD 350, Stafford County Economic Development, and community members to help provide funding and resources to both new and existing licensed childcare providers in our community. Current committee members include Kyle Bunker, Jamie Crawford, Beth Cornwall, Trisha Greene, Josh Meyer, Kathleen Norman, Theresa McLoyd, Ryan Russell, and Shannon Snyder.