Public Meeting Notice – Feb. 3rd, 2025

A public meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m., February 3rd at the Stafford City Hall.  The agenda for the meeting will be to discuss a historical district survey that will be conducted in February and March in the downtown area.  Anyone with questions about the project or are the owners of buildings in the survey area are encouraged to attend.


Stafford County Economic Development, in partnership with the City of Stafford and the Stafford County Museum, have applied for an won a $15,000 historic survey grant from Heritage Preservation Fund (HPF).  The survey project will include the completion of a comprehensive survey of an estimated 40 historic parcels, including buildings, structures, sites, and objects in downtown Stafford. The majority of the buildings within the Project area is owned by the city of Stafford or the County Museum. The objectives of the survey include the identification of potentially significant properties that appear to retain both historical significance and integrity. The Project area will be evaluated for eligibility for the National Registry of Historic Places, and recommendations will be made for designation as a potential historic district. The survey shall adhere to the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Archaeology and Historic Preservation, which include the Standards for Evaluation, Identification, and Registration. The Project will be prepared in accordance with (a) National Register Bulletin: Guidelines for Local Surveys; (b) State Historical Preservation Office’s HPF Grant-Funded Survey Requirements (2018) and (c) instructions for KHRI web-based GIS database.


The area includes both sides of Main Street between Stafford Street to Camden Street. It includes both sides of E Stafford Street from Main to N. Prairie Ave. It includes N. Union Ave between Broadway and Stafford. It includes W Broadway on the north side of the street between Main and Union.


EOCENE Environmental Group Inc. will be providing the historical survey. Architectural Historian and Surveyor for this project Miranda Black, will conduct the on ground research starting on February 7th.  The surveyor will be in Stafford for a few days taking pictures of buildings, doing research, and interviewing people.  People with ownership of buildings in the survey area are asked to grant access to the surveyor.

 Ms. Black received her Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology with a minor in Religion and a focus in Cherokee Archaeology in 2018. Upon graduation, she was offered a grant-funded position with Western Carolina University to work on an internship project as the Archaeology Laboratory’s Assistant Curator. As she continued her studies, she received a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Public History with a focus in Historic Preservation in 2019. Ms. Black went on to work as Assistant Museum Manager and Facilities Coordinator for the Shelton House Museum in Waynesville, North Carolina, where she expanded upon her interests in community-based preservation, artifact management, and physical material restoration. Ms. Black furthered her studies by pursuing a Masters of Historic Preservation at the University of Georgia in 2020, participating in multiple service-learning projects and contributing to NRHP nominations. During her time as a student, Ms. Black held various student internships as well as a role as an architectural field surveyor. Post-Master’s coursework, Ms. Black moved to Oklahoma and continued her professional training in cultural resource management as an Architectural Historian.

Oral and written comments will be recorded and become a part of Stafford Economic Development Inc.’s Citizen Participation Plan. Reasonable accommodation will be made available to people with disabilities. Requests should be submitted to Ryan Russell, Executive Director or Stafford County Economic Development, at 620-314-5561 by 5:00 p.m. on January 31st, 2025.



Nora E. Larabee Memorial Library
Stafford, KANSAS

BASEMENT WINDOWS BOTH INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR – The scope of work within bid request includes basement window/storms/screens that should match original profiles. Bids will be received by Nora E. Larabee Memorial Library Board of Directors, 108 N. Union St., Stafford, Kansas 67578 until 5:00 PM on September 3rd, 2024 for the work noted above according to plans approved by the Kansas State Historic Preservation Office. This structure is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. All work must comply with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Sealed bids will be publicly opened at 5:00 PM on September 3rd, 2024 at 108 N. Union St., Stafford, KS. All inquiries about this Invitation to Bid and requests for copies of the full scope of work/plansmay be directed to Shelly Brensing, Board Member, Nora E. Larabee Memorial Library at 620-546-4826 or [email protected]. Bids will be received on a total bid price basis and will include a sum to cover the cost of all items of the contract, including insurance, materials, and performance bonds. A pre-bid meeting will be held at Nora E. Larabee Memorial Library, 108 N. Union St., Stafford, Kansas on Tuesday, August 27th at 10:00 AM. Contractors interested in attending by Zoom should email [email protected] for a link. Attending this meeting is recommended but not mandatory. Proposals received after the date and time indicated above for opening will be considered late, and therefore will not be considered for award. The Bid will be awarded on the basis of cost and performance; to the Bidder who, in the Owner’s judgment, is the lowest, most qualified, responsible and responsive Bidder. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids and to reject the Bid of any Bidder if the Owner believes it would not be in the best interest of Owner to make an award to that Bidder. The successful Bidder must deliver to the Owner certificates of insurance, performance and materials payment bonds as security for faithful performance and the payment of all bills and obligations arising from the contract. The successful firm will be required to comply with all applicable laws and statutory regulations. No Bidder will in any way, directly or indirectly, discriminate against any person because of age, race, color, handicap, sex, national origin or religious creed. This project is partially supported by the Heritage Trust Fund grant program from the Kansas State Historical Society.

Nora E. Larabee Memorial Library

Project Description: Basement windows/storms/screens should match the original profiles.

Building Description: Nora E. Larabee Memorial Library was built in 1905 and is a one-story brick building with a partially finished, full basement. The building has gone through considerable renovations which included fixing the foundation as well as restoring the stain glass windows. The windows need to be repaired so water doesn’t get into the basement and is secured. Repairs to the windows are necessary to secure the future of this community asset.

All work must be done according to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards.

Completion date: June 1, 2025.


  • Windows/storms/screens should match the original profiles.
  • New glazing, hardware as necessary, and weatherstripping.
  • Caulking as needed at masonry openings.
  • Glass should be clear. A low-E coating is acceptable as long as the least amount of tint is used.
  • Finish: white paint – oil-based primer and 2 finished coats.

Replace the three bucks with very dense, weather-resistant wood like mahogany, cypress,or a manufactured product like Accoya that can be cut and worked like wood. Painted whitefinish.

Repair the three inner windows and install them at the inner end of the bucks, in the samelocation. If repair is not possible, build new windows that match the originals, using materialsas stated above. These would need to be operable in some way, incorporating an awning orhopper style. Painted white finish. If unable to repair the inner windows, remove them, butkeep them on site. Label them with the location and date.

Replace screens with storm windows. Build new outer windows/storms from a very dense,weather-resistant wood like mahogany, cypress, or a manufactured product like Accoya thatcan be cut and worked like wood to build a window/storm sash. These removable stormwindows should generally replicate the look of the existing screens (i.e., width of the sashframes, where they are installed against the bucks) and should be installed against theexterior stops of the bucks. Painted white finish.

Repair or replace one screen, to be used alternately with a storm window, for ventilation, ifneeded. If repair is not possible, this screen should generally replicate the look of the existingscreen (i.e., width of the sash frames, where they are installed against the bucks) and shouldbe installed against the exterior stop of the buck. Painted white finish

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