
Updates on new Stafford County businesses, upcoming events and more.

Parents, community members and business owners in Stafford County; It has been brought to our attention by one of our school Superintendents that there are UNAPPROVED websites available for you to visit that are NOT ASSOCIATED with the school districts in any way.

Updates on Stafford County housing, upcoming events and more.

Updates on the Community Development Block Grant, photography contest winners and more.

On Wednesday, July 22nd, the Kansas Department of Commerce announced that 49 Kansas communities will share more than $13 million in Community Development Block Grant funding. The City of St. John received $198,360 for sidewalk improvements. The City will contribute $13,480 through in-kind labor and $8,560 in matching funds.

Updates on Bike & Build, upcoming events and more.

Updates on the new program director, Bike & Build, and more.

Updates on the Port Authority, upcoming events and more.

One of the strategies of Stafford County Economic Development to obtain growth and foster a spirit of entrepreneurship, is to focus on our youth by teaching them the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. There is a world of opportunity out there for them and we want your kids to know that they are not limited in what they can achieve. 

Information on a healthier Stafford County, the We Kan Conference and more.