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Sunflower Trailer, a landmark for St. John

It was only a few years after Keno Maxom opened Sunflower Trailer at the corner of the old St. John Motel off US-281, that Bruce Heller, first began hauling trailers. It’s been a trailer dealership since 1991, according to their website, sunflowertrailersales. Com. Their inventory is endless – equipment trailers, car haulers, tilt trailers, utility […]


Non-Profit Capacity Building Opportunity 

Grant Writing Certification  If your organization wants to build capacity in grant writing, then check out these great opportunities where you can send someone to get trained.  Stafford County Economic Development will have some limited funds available to give scholarships to individuals that wish to attend.  Fort Hays State University Grant Certification Program   • 8 […]

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“A Refuge to Explore”

“A Refuge to Explore” is a program developed for Stafford County with the goal to cultivate a county level pride/identity. It’s part of the Engaging Placemaking for Innovative Communities (EPIC), which is a placemaking pilot program lead by the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission (KCAIC). The goal is to find, preserve, and provide programming that […]